" If you KNEW what Passive Income Could Do For Your Life, You'd Run Through a Brick Wall to Get It.


Designed to help busy families spend less time working, and more time enjoying each other. The Go22 Blueprint is a step-by-step guide to helping you use other people's money to create multiple streams of passive income, hands-free, while you still work your day job.

Airbnb™️ allowed us to continue our long-distance relationship that eventually turned into marriage. This blueprint built an Airbnb™️ 6-Figure empire that spanned across the country, without owning any of the properties. And I did it passively.

Family and Podcasts

Dads need friends and support, too. Our facebook group is constantly evolving. Some days we might be giving away free vacations. Some days we may be venting. Some days we may be talking about opportunities. Some days we may be telling dad jokes to lighten the mood. There's no set schedule to what we do. Come for the brotherhood, stay for the connection. What happens in the dads group, stays in the dads group. No women allowed.

The numbers don't lie. 85% of kids without dads have behavioral issues. Teen girls without dads are much more likely to be sexually active. And 26 of the 27 deadliest mass shooters also had no dads. So dads out there, how do we make a stronger impact on our kids without dropping our other responsibilities? That is the million dollar question. And this podcast will give you all the answers. My name is Aaron James, and welcome to the impact dad podcast.


Network Marketing is a beautiful business model for many people. But our world is changing. Gone are the days of hotel meetings, conference calls 50X per week, and prospecting strangers on the streets. Today's families are too busy for that, and with the progression of online marketing, there are now better ways to attract the right kind of people to you, and to your business. This book shows you how it's done. Welcome to NWM 4.0.

Ever found yourself needing money for project, but you're tapped out? It's embarrassing to go to friends and family for money. And if your credit isn't super polished, chances are a bank isn't going to give you a loan either. That's where business credit comes in. Imagine having access to capital for your business that is not attached to your SSN. That means that regardless of your personal credit, you can get the funding you need. It's simpler than you might think.

Aaron James, Passive Income Coach

Aaron James is the straight talking serial entrepreneur, speaker, author and passive income coach. Over the years, he's built several traditional businesses, written multiple books and engineered several podcasts. In addition, as a creative marketer, he has built profitable passive income systems for financial markets, in real estate (Airbnb), entertainment (for DJs) and even network marketing. As a passive income coach, Aaron focuses on testing and building passive income programs for dads who want to be more present for their families, or for anybody looking to spend more time DOING, and less time WORKING.

passive income

isn't a scam.

it's a way of life.

"I've always been temporarily motivated to be permanently lazy."

I heard that said one time by a charismatic speaker and to be quite honest, that's the ONLY thing I remember from that day. Most of us are wired to relax at times. But not me. I've altered countless relationships by being a "workaholic". 

I remember exactly where I was the day that I decided that I felt lonely, and that I wanted the sense of belonging with a family of my own. Passive income was my Godsend. Passive income with real estate allowed my wife and I to facilitate a long-distance relationship. Passive income allowed us to stay afloat during our first few years of marriage, despite overwhelming child custody legal fees. Passive income allowed me to focus on our family when we needed it most, and allowed me to still provide financially.

What do you want passive income to help you to accomplish? Whether you're an Impact Dad seeking time freedom to be home with your kids, or you're needing extra money for a downpayment on a house, what I want you to know is that this is TRULY about working smarter and not harder. There are systems here to guide you to your destiny. Are you ready for this?  

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